Our Success is given by a constantly attention to the organization, to the quality of
the products,
to the excellent quality-price ratio, to innovation and to a corporate communication.
Each single piece of clothing tells a different story of the female and male universe,
revealing its elegance, seduction and deep determination.
Our primary and fundamental objective is to become a point of reference in our
segment and expand the offer to foreign markets as well.
The most important factors that help our development and growth today are the
experience gained over the years,
the expertise in the fashion industry , the reliability of the company structure and
the location of our shops in optimal and strategic positions
that helped us develop our brands.
Our brands today have a good visibility and are present throughout the Italian and
foreign territory, distributed by a dense network of retail stores followed by local
The comunication
The Marketing office & Communication, in support of corporate strategies, is constantly developing to ensure the company a constant increase in the perception of brands, following the most innovative communication rules.
In particular, the F.B. srl has been investing for several years in web-marketing and digital communication (social media, influencer marketing, web-site) while maintaining investments in commercials, catalogs and themed events often accompanied by well-known faces of the show.
The market responded to these investments by generating strong and growing demand.
Gruppo FB offers a Private Label service, addressed to all fashion brands,
department store
or boutiques that wants to produce and resell clothes signed with their own brand.
This service is given by a specialized team of designers and a trained team that
wish to give and reach always the best
The company, thanks to the modern
machineries and to a specialized working group is capable to produce
approximately one and a half million of items per year.

Technological innovation

Large production spaces

Style & Design
Gruppo fb today is capable to satisfy customer’s need in women's, men's and
children's clothing sector, and is currently able to offer,
in reference to the question generated by communication, cutting-edge collections rich in details.
For this purpose, teams of stylists have been set up in the company, assisted by professionals in the sector and supported by the most modern IT and research tools.
Medical Products
Due to the health emergency situation caused by Covid-19 and according to the
necessity to find medical devices and personal protective equipment (PPE),
Gruppo fb at the beginning of the year 2020 decided to enlarge the core
business and let arose a new specialized team to reconvert part of the company to
produce medical devices. Today the production of surgical masks, disposable caps,
non-woven overalls, shoe covers etc. is constantly increasing.
The group has dedicated part of its resources to the production of PPE.
Our articles reflect the quality of the Made in Italy. Design, fabric and processing are entirely of Italian supply chain.
Passion for work, relationship with people and commitment lead the company to constant growth.
Present at the Fair
“Medica 202X”
from 15 to 18 November in DÜSSELDORF (GERMANY)
Institutional meetings
“Not a job, but passion”
Interview with Francesco Casillo (FB Group)

Francesco Casillo, 33 years old and already the father of 4 little girls (Anna, Francesca, Sara and Cloe), talks about the family business, IL GRUPPO FB srl, specialized in the production of clothing, with latest fashion collections characterized by a stylistic design modern and trendy.
Founded in 1985 by Raffaele Casillo with his wife Anna, the Group initially focused its activity on production, but later also expanded into the wholesale market. Dedication to market trends and customer focus are the pillars of’ company, which has seen notable growth in sales and production over the years. Today the company has over 100 people around it, including employees and external collaborators, and has expanded the work spaces with two platforms – who deal with showroom production and logistics – of 7500 m2 of floor space at the CIS in Nola. Its brands Sarah Chole, PDK, Phard, Miguel Bharross, Exsy Italia, Lay Low, Sarah Chole Bambina are distributed on both the Italian and European markets.
Grand Cross of Merit and Humanitarian Law to shareholder Francesco Casillo
Institutional meeting of the FB Group in the municipality of Naples
At the municipality of Naples with Luigi De Magistris
Institutional meeting of the FB Group in the municipality of Benevento
At the municipality of Benevento with Clemente Mastella
Management of reports – Whistleblowing
Gruppo FB srl implements a process of receiving, analyzing and processing reports, including anonymous ones, aimed at preventing and combating illegal behavior or behavior not based on the principles of ethics and integrity.
The introduction into national law of a reporting management system and adequate protection for employees who report illegal conduct from within the workplace is provided for in ratified international conventions (UN, OECD, Council of Europe). from Italy, as well as in recommendations of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
In particular, law 6 November 2012, n. 190, with article 1, paragraph 51, introduced the art. 54-bis within Legislative Decree 165/2001 by virtue of which a measure was established aimed at encouraging the emergence of cases of offence, known in Anglo-Saxon countries with the term whistleblowing. With the Regulation for the management of reports and for the exercise of the sanctioning power regarding the protection of the authors of reports of offenses or irregularities of which they have become aware in the context of an employment relationship referred to in art. 54-bis of Legislative Decree 165/2001, ANAC has defined further operational provisions on the matter.
The European Union subsequently approved the European Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons reporting violations of Union law, in order to create a minimum standard for the protection of whistleblowers' rights in all member states. Italy has implemented the European Directive with legislative decree no. 10 March 2023. 24.
With the adoption of this Procedure, GRUPPO FB S.r.l. (hereinafter also the Company) – “private entity” pursuant to art. 2, co. 1, letter. q n.1) of Legislative Decree 24/2023 – intended to comply with the aforementioned regulatory requirements.
The aim is:
- highlight the rules to which the FB S.r.l. GROUPS. must conform;
- specify the methods for managing reports;
- detail the methods followed to protect the confidentiality of the identity of the Reporter, the content of the Report and the identity of any subjects indicated. The procedure therefore intends to remove factors that may discourage or hinder the use of reports of violations, such as doubts and uncertainties regarding the methods to be followed and fears of retaliation or discrimination. The objective pursued is to provide the whistleblower with clear operational indications regarding the object, contents, recipients and methods of transmission of the reports, as well as regarding the forms of protection offered to him in our legal system.
The reporting management procedure guarantees the confidentiality of the Reporter's identity from the moment of receipt and in any subsequent contact. This, however, does not mean that the reports are anonymous, given that those who report offenses are required to declare their identity in order to be guaranteed the protection of the whistleblowing institute.
The FB S.r.l. GROUP has established an internal reporting channel which guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the Reporter, the person involved and the person mentioned in the Report, as well as the content of the Report and the related documentation. In harmony with the art. 4, co. 2, of Legislative Decree 24/2023, the management of the internal reporting channel is entrusted to the Reporting Manager.
To this end, reports can be made via an encrypted IT platform made available on the GRUPPO FB S.r.l. website. by accessing via the following link: https://gruppofb.segnalachi.it/
A questionnaire is uploaded onto the platform which guides the reporter in the reporting process through open and closed questions, some of which are mandatory. You can also attach documents to your report.
The Reports Manager accesses his/her reserved area and the detailed information of the various reports received.
Alternatively, it is possible to make reports using the appropriate form available on the company website in the "WHISTLEBLOWING" section, sending it by ordinary mail to the following address GRUPPO FB S.r.l. CIS di Nola 80035 – via Boscofangone – Nola (NA). In this case it is necessary for the report to be inserted in two closed envelopes: the first with the reporting person's identification data together with a photocopy of the identification document; the second with the report, in order to separate the reporting person's identification data from the report. Both envelopes must then be inserted into a third closed envelope bearing the words "DO NOT OPEN - RESERVED FOR THE REPORTING MANAGER" on the outside. In the event that the Report has been presented in the manner referred to in the previous method, the identity of the Reporter will be known only by the Reporting Manager, who guarantees its confidentiality. As a rule, the Report must contain the following elements:
- the identity of the person making the Report;
- the clear and complete description of the facts covered by the Report;
- the circumstances of time and place in which the facts were committed;
- the personal details or other elements that allow the identification of the person(s) who committed the reported facts;
- the indication of any other subjects who can report on the facts covered by the Report;
- the indication of any documents that can confirm the validity of such facts;
- any other information that can provide useful feedback regarding the existence of the facts reported.
The Reporter must provide all the useful elements so that checks and investigations can be carried out to confirm the validity of the facts reported.
Finally, it will also be possible to make reports in oral form, requesting a telephone appointment, or possibly a personal meeting, with the Reporting Manager, set within a reasonable time.
Oral reports are recorded and the report must be signed by the reporting person in order for it to be processed. It should be remembered that oral reports do not offer the same technological confidentiality as reports made via an encrypted platform.